Social Partners of the MEM industries The CEA The Peace Agreement

The Peace Agreement

1937 Peace Agreement

The economic consequences of labour disputes that continue for a lengthy period can be devastating for both employees and employers. What has been called the "Peace Agreement" was therefore concluded between various employee associations and the Employers' Association of the Swiss Mechanical Engineering Industry, or ASM. The period of the agreement was initially set at only two years.

Most important Regulations:

  • Waiver of industrial action
  • Procedure for settlement of conflicts
  • Wage agreement, holiday regulation
  • Employee co-operation

Associations 1937

At the end of 1937 the 158 member-companies of the ASM employed 57,600 workers again for the first time since 1930.

At the deepest point in the crisis, the beginning of 1935, only 40,500 steel workers worked in ASM companies.

«Next year I will improve my English skills in San Diego. Using the long-term account I can save up days off and, together with vacation time, it amounts to two months.»

Last update: 30.06.2020